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    SUNY Maritime College Email Password Reset

    Initial Password Reset:

    Please go to and login to change your initial password.   

    Password Guidelines:

    ·       Your password must be at least 12 characters and contain an upper case, number, and special characters such as an exclamation point or hash symbol.

    ·       Your password will expire every 90 days, and you will receive a reminder email from us 7 days prior to expiration.

    Enrolling In Password Reset Portal:

    ·       You will be prompted to enroll in the password reset portal.  This is to set up your account for further password resets. 

    ·       You will be asked to create three challenge questions and set up multi-factor authentication (MFA) for a secondary security check to identify you.

    ·       To set up MFA, you must download the Microsoft Authenticator app to your mobile device, which is a free download. 

    (For a seamless setup please do this process on your laptop or desktop as you will need to scan a QR code with your mobile device.)